What is a disciple?
We define a disciple as someone who has placed their trust in Jesus, they believe the Bible and they orient their life to participate in the disciple making process.
At New Life we focus on 4 specific areas as we engage the discipleship process.
Weekly Gatherings
The weekly gathering is the first place where people generally connect with the church family. Jesus is the focus of our worship as we gather and we sing praises to him and discover what means to live in obedience to our master.
Community Groups
Community Groups are another avenue of connection within the life of the church. These groups meet on a weekly basis and they are designed to help establish meaningful Christian relationships. Throughout the Bible this is referred to as christian community or fellowship. These groups meet for 16 weeks in the fall and spring.
Our D-Groups are gender specific groups of 3-5 people. In a D-Group you will have the opportunity to connect with other believers on a daily basis. These are closed groups and they provide accountability and encouragement as you actively engage with the Bible and pursue spiritual transformation.
At New Life we are committed to multiplication. Multiplication is a healthy response to effective discipleship. Disciples make disciples by living for Jesus and encouraging others to discover the joy that is found in the life of Christ. At New Life we envision the healthy multiplication of D-Group, Community Groups and Churches.