Name(Required) First Name Middle Initial Last Name Phone(Required)What type of phone is this?(Required) Cell Phone Home Phone Work Phone Email(Required) Project Site Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code In as much detail as possible, please include a description of this project.(Required)In as much detail as possible, please include the supplies and equipment that will be needed for this project.(Required)New Life Church is unable to provide financial assistance for this project. Are you able to meet the financial obligations and are you able to have the supplies for the project on site before the scheduled work date?(Required) Yes No How many volunteers do you estimate this project will need?(Required)City Serve will take place 07/22/24 – 07/26/24. What specific day and time during that week will work best with your schedule?(Required) NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ